Second phase of schools’ computer project to kick off next month

The  Phase two of the Digital Literacy Program (DLP) which was estimated to cost Sh.60 billion is set to start this month after the near completion of the Sh30 billion phase one. During  press  brief  at  Kiritiri, Government Spokesperson, Col. (Rtd) Cyrus  Oguna  said phase two is targeting learners in grades 4, 5 and 6 […]

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Parents urged to follow up DLP learning in schools

Parents  across  the  country  have  been urged to make follow ups in schools to ensure their children access the Digital  Learning Programme (DLP) that was rolled out by the government. According  to  the Information Communication and Technology, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Katherine  Getao, the  DLP programme will go a long way in equipping the […]

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Digital Literacy Programme a Blessing to learners, stakeholders

The  Digital Literacy Progragramme (DLP) came as a blessing to many Kenyan Children as it is said to have increased and maintained the number of pupils in class. A visit to St. Peter’s Primary School in Narok North Sub County revealed that the number of pupils in grade one to three  had tremendously shot up […]

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Politicians asked to support DLP project in Vihiga

Political  leaders  have  been  urged to support national government’s efforts towards full implementation of the Digital  Literacy  Programme (DLP) in all public primary schools. The  Vihiga County Commissioner (CC), Mrs. Suzan  Waweru made the appeal when she briefed a team of officers from  Information  Communication Technology (ICT) Authority  and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) […]

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Teachers and learners happy with the use of digital devices in learning

Teachers and learners in Nandi County are a happy lot with the use of digital devices in their learning processes. Currently, a total of 709 public primary schools out of 706 in Nandi County have received digital learning devices under  the digital literacy programme. In a brief to the ICT authority officials who toured the […]

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