Governor disburses cheques worth Sh 49.3 million to boost farming

Several Community Driven Development Committees (CDDC) and Producer Organizations from different parts of Kiambu County, benefited from cheques worth Sh. 49.3 million from the Enterprise Development Inclusion Funds. While disbursing the cheques to the 103 CDDC at the Kiambu County Government Headquarters, Kiambu Governor, Dr. James Nyoro, advised the beneficiaries to spend the money prudently, […]

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National government and Kiambu county mulling sustainability of NHP Program

The  Kiambu county administration and the national government are mulling over the sustainability of the National Hygiene programme (NHP) that will see young people recruited to offer services in respective areas. The two levels of government have held consultative talks ahead of a tour of the Kiambu County informal settlement areas, which have been selected […]

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