Teso North clubs receive full kits from NG-CDF

Seventeen clubs participating in branch and sub-branch Football Kenya Federation (FKF) leagues in Teso North have benefitted from full kits and a ball each, courtesy of the National Government Constituency Development Fund. Busia Branch FKF Chairman, Hillary Musundi and the Secretary General Reuben Olita represented the federation in the Friday handover event at Malaba stadium […]

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FKF to empower young girls in sporting activity

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) is targeting 22,000 public primary schools countrywide in the World football governing body (FIFA) pilot project for grass roots women football development program set to cost Sh. 100 million. FKF CEO Robert Muthomi made the announcement when he officially opened a coaching course for 22 sports teachers drawn from various primary […]

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A foundation partners with FKF to boost soccer in Murang’a County

A partnership has been signed between a charity foundation and Football Kenya Federation (FKF) to boost soccer in Murang’a County. The pact by the Irungu Nyakera Foundation and FKF will see local soccer teams get support for five years. FKF will help to train coaches, referees and players in effort to boost standard of football […]

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