Migori Youth distribute free condoms to prevent HIV/Aids

A youth group calling itself Migori Young Advisory Council on Health (MYACH) took the war against HIV/Aids a notch higher after distributing free condoms to wananchi in Migori town and surrounding environs. The group visited car-parks, Boda boda stages and bars and restaurants which they said are most vulnerable Kenyans to the most dreaded and […]

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Governor calls for quick intervention on cancer scourge

The  Busia Governor, Sospeter  Ojaamong has called upon the National government to take the cancer menace seriously. Speaking  during three different funeral occasions in Teso South, Matayos and Butula Sub Counties over the weekend, Ojaamong noted with concern that the number of local residents being lost to the scourge was alarming. “Cancer  is becoming a […]

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