KEBS, inABLE partner to provide ICT accessibility standards

The Kenya Bureau of Standards [KEBS] in partnership with inABLE, a non-governmental organization, has commenced the development of first ever national ICT accessibility standards to bridge the existing digital divide in the country. KEBS Chief Manager for Standards Development Zacharia Lukorito said the new standards would ensure Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs) and older persons who […]

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Maize Flour Prices to Skyrocket Due To Poor Coordination

The Cereal Millers Association (CMA) has sounded an alarm of a possible increase of maize flour prices due to lack of coordination and communication between relevant government and regulatory agencies. According to the association, this poor coordination has resulted in to uncertainties with regards to the recent ban on maize imports from Uganda and Tanzania. The Association […]

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Plastic bag dealers in Bungoma face NEMA’s crackdown

The  Bungoma county National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has launched a major crackdown on traders running illegal bakeries and selling plastic bags in the County. Speaking to the press on Tuesday in his office, the County NEMA Director, John Maniafu said that he is  working closely with police officers to ensure that plastic bags are […]

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Kitui County textile centre trains community tailors in industrial garment production

The  Kitui County Textile Centre (KICOTEC) has rolled out a massive skills transfer programme targeted at training community tailors in industrial garment production, says Governor  Charity  Ngilu. “This is both a transfer of skills and wealth creation that will enable community tailors in the county acquire professional skills in garment production and also produce quality […]

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Liquor manufacturers move to curtail counterfeits

A  section of liquor manufacturers and distributors have commenced an exercise of inspecting alcohol brands stocked in bars within Murang’a County. The  move to conduct impromptu inspection is informed by reported cases on availability of counterfeit alcoholic brands and selling of second generation liquor in some drinking dens. The exercise coordinated by Murang’a Bar Owners […]

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