Mashujaa Day rehearsals kick off at Wang’uru Stadium

In two weeks’ time, Kenya will mark the National Mashujaa Day celebrations which will be staged in Kirinyaga County. The rehearsals by the military team and the entertainment groups begun in the venue on yesterday as part of familiarization with the field to ensure a successful event. Entertainment groups from different parts of the country […]

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Audition kicks ahead of mashujaa day

The Permanent Presidential Music Commission (PPMC) has kicked started three-day auditions for the entertainment during Mashujaa Day which will be held in Kirinyaga County. The event staged at Kirinyaga Central NG-CDF headquarters bring all artists within and without Kirinyaga County. The commission in their schedule has indicated three categories for auditions: Popular Artist, Bands and […]

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Women advised to take over parental role to curb teenage pregnancies

Women have been urged to take up their parental roles in the family to salvage the future of their children. National Maendeleo ya Wanawake Chairperson Rahab Mwikali Mwiu says the current moral decadence witnessed in the country was a clear manifestation that the traditional social fabric has all but broken down. The official who was […]

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Security officers told to be ruthless to cattle rustlers

The  Isiolo County Commissioner (CC), Joseph Kanyiri has called on security officers to be ruthless while dealing with cattle rustlers who he said had been impoverishing some families. Kanyiri  also cautioned that anyone found keeping stolen animals would be charged with handling of stolen property or robbery with violence depending on the manner in which […]

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