Digital learning boost pupil class attendance in Migori Schools

The  Kenya’s Digital Learning Programme (DLP) in lower primary school has become a good trap to many pupils who are now reluctant to miss classes. More grade three class pupils are regularly attending digital learning lessons compared to other subjects because of the high passion they have developed in online learning, KNA can confidently confirm. […]

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Local rogue contractors in Nyamira put on notice

Local rogue contractors who have failed to deliver on their projects have been put on notice and their contracts likely to be reassigned. The  warning was issued  on Thursday  by the Nyamira County Commissioner (CC), Amos  Mariba while chairing the County Development Implementation and Coordination committee (CDICC) meeting, noting that most local contractors who have […]

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Government moves to address challenges of stalled projects 

The   government  is  contemplating  re-awarding contracts  for stalled road construction projects in Kisii County as an option to address challenges hindering completion of various government projects in the area. The  Nyanza  Regional Commissioner (RC), James Kianda and Senior Delivery Director from the Presidential Delivery Unit, Ms. Truphosa  Awuor led the Nyanza Regional Development Coordination Committee […]

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