Court bars Murang’a Water Company from hiking tariffs

A  Murang’a Court on Monday barred a local water company from increasing water tariffs until case filed by the county government is heard and determined. The  High Court Registrar, Victoria Ochanda granted application by the county government to suspend implementation of new water tariffs by Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (MUWASCO). Ochanda  issued interim orders […]

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Murang’a Water Company plans to extract cooking gas from sewerage

Plans  by  a  Murang’a water company to extract cooking gas from sewerage treatment plant are at an advanced stage. The  Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (MUWASCO) has already completed a feasibility study to establish a biogas plant at Karii Sewerage treatment area located near Murang’a town which will help extract clean cooking gas. The  extracted […]

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Water association to benchmark with regional organizations on provision of water services

The  Water Services Providers Association (WASPA) has moved to sign pacts with regional organizations in an effort to benchmark on best structures towards improving service provision. The  association, which has more than 80 member water companies from the country, has already signed a pact with the Ethiopian Urban Water and Sanitation Utilities Federation aimed at […]

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