Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Murang’a Water Company plans to extract cooking gas from sewerage

Plans  by  a  Murang’a water company to extract cooking gas from sewerage treatment plant are at an advanced stage.

The  Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (MUWASCO) has already completed a feasibility study to establish a biogas plant at Karii Sewerage treatment area located near Murang’a town which will help extract clean cooking gas.

The  extracted gas, MUWASCO  Managing Director (MD), Eng. Daniel Ng’ang’a has explained, will also help to produce power for street lighting at the nearby shopping centre.

“The gas will be used for various purposes and not only for cooking. It will help to generate electric power to assist in lighting even nearby homesteads,” stated the Director.

Ng’ang’a noted that they have partnered with a foreign investor to implement the project which will help local residents access cheap gas for cooking.

He said the project will be commissioned in few months’ time after the company signs an agreement with the foreign firm which will support in provision of technical equipment.

“A t our sewerage treatment area, we will put up a plant which will extra and clean gas from the sewerage line and make it conducive for cooking. The gas will be about 50 percent cheap as compared to LPG,” said the MD.

He  added that availing the gas to locals will be of great benefit as currently nothing of importance comes from the treatment plant.

The MD said once completed, management of the sewerage treatment plant will be improved and no bad odor will be emanating from the area.

“The project will help the water company to make more revenue which will help expansion of water connection within Murang’a town and its environs,” he added.

The revenue accrued from water levies, Ng’ang’a  said isnot enough to support all projects of the company thus need for more initiatives for generation of more funds.

Currently  the company with more than 15, 000 customers has established a subsidiary company for bottling mineral water to help in generating more income.

Ng’ang’a  observed that they will continue to explore more ways of utilizing available resources to benefit locals as well  as  support in operations of the mother company.

By  Bernard  Munyao/Irene Njui

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