Bars owners to move to court over alleged arbitrary closure of their premises

Bar  owners  in  Kirinyaga County have instructed their lawyer to move to court to seek legal redress, following closure of businesses belonging  to  some of their members by government agents. Through  their umbrella body, the Kirinyaga Bar Owners Association  with a membership of 2100, the entrepreneurs claimed some liquor outlets  have been arbitrary closed down […]

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Woman accused of killing husband (Kasarani) to remain in custody

The  adage about ‘the long arm of the law’ downed on a woman accused of murdering her husband after police arrested  and  arraigned her in a Kerugoya Law  Court. Ladia  Wakuthii  will  remain in custody until June 30 when her bail application will be heard and determined, the court  ordered. Justice  Lucy  Gitari  said having […]

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