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Woman accused of killing husband (Kasarani) to remain in custody

The  adage about ‘the long arm of the law’ downed on a woman accused of murdering her husband after police arrested  and  arraigned her in a Kerugoya Law  Court.

Ladia  Wakuthii  will  remain in custody until June 30 when her bail application will be heard and determined, the court  ordered.

Justice  Lucy  Gitari  said having listened to the arguments of the merits and demerits of granting bail to the accused
person from both the prosecution and the defence, she will deliver her ruling on the said date.

Wakuthii  who  has been in custody since May 27  when  she  was arrested, is charged with the murder of her husband  Francis  Mbogo Ndambiri alias Kasarani.

She  was  remanded at the Embu GK Prison until the date set by the court to determine her application for being released  on bail

Her  lawyer, Kimani Njuguna told the court he could not see any compelling reasons to continue holding the accused in  custody since the prosecution had not proved how she could interfere with her five employees who have been listed among  other 21 witnesses.

Njuguna  submitted that although one of the witnesses was a high profile one in the name of the Kirinyaga Deputy Governor  Peter  Ndambiri, Wakuthii  was  not  in any position to make any interference.

“May be due to the status of this high profile person, the bail is not being granted to Wakuthii but this assertion is
neither  here  nor there,” the lawyer submitted.

The  lawyer  wondered  how the accused could at this juncture interfere with the five employees who have remained and  are  still in her employment since the said murder occurred on August 21, last year.

“These witnesses recorded their statements way back in October last year long before Wakuthii was arrested and continued  to work for her until this moment the prosecution is laying claims she would interfere with them if released on bail,”  the lawyer told the court.

Wakuthii  has been charged that on August 21 last year within South Ngariama Ranching Scheme, Mwea East Sub-County  jointly  with others not before the court, she murdered Ndambiri.

Wakuthii  has  since denied the charges while the State Prosecutor, Geoffrey  Obiri  is seeking to have her continue being held  in prison custody to avoid interfering with potential witnesses.

Obiri   told the packed court today that the accused should not be released on bail since she was likely to interfere with  potential witnesses most of whom were her employees.

He   said he  was able to produce in court an affidavit offering compelling reasons why Wakuthii should remain in custody.

Kimani  representing the accused had attempted to convince the court of his client’s release further submitted that she was  diabetic and dependent on medication which has to be sourced from India on regular basis.

“I do not see or find any compelling reason advanced by the prosecution to continue holding Wakuthii in prison custody since she has for about eight months after the said murder remained at her late husband’ home without showing any signs of fleeing and that she will always abide by the bond conditions ,” he told the court.

The  body of Ndambiri  was reported missing and later found floating on River Rupingazi within Mbeere South Sub-County.

The  scene was close to his Shamba which is on the Kirinyaga County side within the vast South  Ngariama Ranching Scheme  while the river forms the natural boundary between Embu and Kirinyaga.

Mbogo alias Kasarani had interests in road and building construction within the county and left behind a vast business  empire. Wakuthii was the trader’s second wife.

The  couple had two palatial homes near Kianyaga market and at the scene of the alleged murder.

By  Irungu  Mwangi

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