Termination of contract leaves over 200 employees out of work

Over  200 employees have been left jobless after a contractor in Mwea, Kirinyaga County terminated its contract with National Irrigation Board. According to the Mwea NIB Manager, Innocent  Ariemba the company issued a pull out letter last month (January). “We have been talking to them but we don’t know why they have decided to go,” […]

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Works at Thiba Dam resumes as government release Shs. 600 million

Works  on Thiba Dam in Kirinyaga county has resumed after the national government released Sh.600 million. The  money is however, just a small part of which the construction company says is not enough to complete the project. Officials  of  the Strabag Company  on Tuesday said all the employees previously sent on leave have been recalled […]

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Rice farmers cheerful with the allocation of money to buy their surplus harvest

Rice  farmers  in Mwea are happy with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive that the Treasury provides Sh.660 million to boost rice harvest. The allocation adds up to Sh.960 million, money that will go directly to the purchase of rice from farmers in Mwea and Kano plains in Nyanza. Consequently, leaders in Kirinyaga have vowed to support […]

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Government promise to provide Sh.1.5 billion for resumption of work at Thiba dam

The  stalled  works at the Thiba mega dam will resume in three weeks’ time once an outstanding arrears of Sh.1.5 billion is paid to the contractor, the government has stated. The unpaid dues to Strabag Construction Company arose from two completion works certificates which forced the contractor to send on forced leave some 300 employees. […]

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KCPE candidates accommodated by good Samaritans

Just a few hours before the commencement of the KCPE examination in Kirinyaga County, 130 candidates have been moved and accommodated by various families after foot bridges connecting their homes were swept away. Gacuria Mwoyo and Kiumbu bridges which were at various sections of Nyamindi River  were swept away last week forcing school children to […]

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