Installation of Speaker Muturi as GEMA spokesperson in limbo

Divisions have emerged among kikuyu elders on the planned installation of National Assembly Speaker, Justin Muturi, as Spokesperson of communities within Mount Kenya region.   A section of members of Kikuyu Council of Elders have vowed to install Muturi as Spokesperson of GEMA communities, saying they have consulted widely on the issue. The Elders on Thursday, […]

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Coronation of speaker Muturi in Murang’a faces resistance

A section of Murang’a leaders have come out to dismiss planned coronation of the National Assembly Speaker, Justin Muturi, at a Murang’a traditional shrine. On Wednesday Members of Murang’a County Assembly (MCA’s), vowed not to allow such a ritual event to take place at Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga shrine slated to be done on Saturday. The […]

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Speaker deflects questions on BBI, Raila says Kenyans free to air views on document

The  National Assembly Speaker, Justin  Muturi  has declined to comment on BBI report, saying it was yet to be tabled and passed by parliament. Speaking in Kemera ward, Manga Sub County, Nyamira County during a funds drive in aid of Ekerubo Catholic Church, the Speaker cited larger public interest for his restraint. According to Muturi, […]

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Muturi calls on Government agencies to embrace dialogue

The  National  Assembly  Speaker, Justin  Muturi has called on government agencies to avoid taking each other to court over  disagreements but instead embrace dialogue. He  said there was no reason for the agencies to waste taxpayers’ money paying lawyers when they could sit down and dialogue. The  Speaker  spoke in the wake of a move […]

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