Graveling of feeder roads provides jobs to youth in Kiharu

Hundreds of young people have been employed to gravel feeder roads within Kiharu Constituency, Murang’a County. Local NG-CDF has engaged local youth in upgrading 25 feeder roads to make them easily accessible especially during rainy seasons. Those employed are among young people who were rendered jobless by the impact of covid-19. Each of the roads […]

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Jubilee MP accuses Opposition Chief of wrangles in the ruling party

The  ODM Party Leader, Raila Odinga has been accused of being behind the current divisions and differences rocking Jubilee Party. The  Kiharu MP, Ndindi Nyoro  said after handshake between ODM leader and President Uhuru Kenyatta, divisions and wrangles in the ruling party emerged, contrary to promotion of unity and nationhood. “The political divisions and suspicions […]

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MP, MCA differ on location to establish TTC

The  Kiharu  Member of Parliament,  Ndindi Nyoro has been accused of shortchanging people of Wangu ward on the location to establish a new Technical Training College (TTC). The  Wangu MCA, Kamote Waciama accompanied by a section of residents on Monday held a demonstration accusing the MP of taking away the TTC and establishing it at […]

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Kenyans told to ignore politicians engaged in premature campaigns

The  former Kiambu Governor, William Kabogo has bashed political leaders engaging themselves in premature campaigns ahead of 2022 general elections. Kabogo said the country is already in an election mood, while nothing tangible was being done to alleviate poverty and suffering among the majority of Kenyans. Speaking in Kabuta area of Murang’a County on Saturday, […]

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Police investigating scuffle in a Murang’a church

The  Murang’a County Criminal Investigations Officer, Julius Warutere has ordered Kiharu MP, Ndindi  Nyoro to surrender to the nearest police station. Warutere said this as the youthful MP maintained he didn’t do any wrong thing at Gitui Catholic church on Sunday during a fundraising event. The detective noted that Nyoro has been evading arrest and […]

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