Turkana, NEMA to safeguard residents from pollutants

The Turkana County administration in collaboration with NEMA officials will continuously monitor oil and gas exploration activities in the South Lokichar basin to safeguard local residents from potentially hazardous pollutants. Turkana County Director for Environment, Clement Nadio, speaking to KNA after a joint team from the County and NEMA completed random collection of samples for […]

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Plastic bag dealers in Bungoma face NEMA’s crackdown

The  Bungoma county National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has launched a major crackdown on traders running illegal bakeries and selling plastic bags in the County. Speaking to the press on Tuesday in his office, the County NEMA Director, John Maniafu said that he is  working closely with police officers to ensure that plastic bags are […]

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24 people were arrested in NEMA Crackdown on polythene papers

The  National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) on Tuesday arrested 24 people for contravening effluent discharge of licensing and also banned use of polythene papers in Homa Bay County. The authority conducted raids in Homa Bay town, junction Kodoyo and Rodi Kopany trading centre where the suspects were arrested. Speaking to KNA after the raid, the […]

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More than 10, 000 tons of sugarcane rotting

More  than 10, 000 tons of sugarcane is rotting away at Kibos Sugar and Allied Industries Ltd (KSAIL) following the order by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) that closed down operations over releasing raw effluent into River Kibos. The polluted water finally ended up in Lake Victoria and thus escalated the damage caused to […]

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Lake Victoria clean-up exercise kicks off

The  National government has kicked off a clean-up exercise on Lake  Victoria due to curb escalating pollution of the shared water mass. The Nyanza Regional Commissioner (RC), James Kianda Lake  Victoria and Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o said the clean-up exercise will help restore the fading reputation of the second largest fresh water lake for […]

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