It is popular vote to decide BBI fate, Muturi

The  National  Assembly (NA)  Speaker, Justin Muturi has joined those calling for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report to be subjected to a referendum instead of going through amendments by Parliament. Speaking  in  Migori County on Sunday, Muturi argued that the report was ‘a two gentlemen’s agreement that must be allowed to be implemented as […]

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Former Senator proposes referendum, calls for parliamentary system of governance

Former  Murang’a County Senator, Kembi  Gitura  has  proposed  a  referendum  to  change the constitution before 2022 elections. Speaking  at  Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) public hearing forum in Murang’a County  on Thursday, Kembi called for  parliamentary  system  of  governance that allows leader of the political party with majority of seats in parliament to take  over the […]

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Leaders urged to seek advice before calling for referendum

The  Speaker  of  the  National  Assembly, Justin  Muturi  has challenged those calling for referendum to seek advice from  the  law  makers before making calls for it. Speaking  during a fund raiser at Busia Catholic Church  on Sunday, Muturi said no serious arrangements and preparations had  been put in place towards the push for a referendum. […]

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