Court denies three bail for aiding terror suspects

A  Garissa  Court  has denied bail to three Kenyans whom the police belief provided the Al-Shabaab militants with information and aided them during the January 12, Kamuthe trading centre attack that left three non-local teachers dead. Adan Saman, Haret Dubow and Keynan Aden Maulid were on Tuesday arraigned before Garissa Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM), Timothy […]

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Suspected Kilifi paedophile to raise Sh.100, 000 bail for his freedom

A  22-year-old man has been ordered to pay a cash bail of Sh.100, 000 to secure freedom by a Kilifi Court  after he denied charges of defiling a 16- year-old girl. Abdullah Abdallah Mohammed  appeared before Senior Principal Magistrate, Justus  Mulei Kituku  on Monday  and was charged that on January 24, 2020 at around 10pm […]

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31 suspects arraigned in court but not required to plead

Thirty one suspects were  on Monday, arraigned before a Kiambu Court on suspicion of having been involved in registration of fake birth certificates, therefore, abetting corruption that resulted in the loss of millions of shillings from the government. The suspects were presented before Kiambu Chief Magistrate (CM), Ms. Patricia Gichohi, but were not required to […]

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