Five women jailed for practicing FGM

Five  women  have been sentenced to three years imprisonment or pay an alternative fine of Sh. 200,000 for practicing  Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), contrary to Section 19( FGM Act 32 of 2011). The   five  women, all from Kiagu village, Kathwene Sub location Imenti Central Sub County, allegedly engaged in the outlawed practice on July 14, […]

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Man dies after consumption of alcohol suspected to be poisoned

One  man died, and two others are hospitalized at Longisa County referral hospital shortly after drinking alcohol purchased at a popular bar in Bomet town. The  two  survivors, Joseph Korir and Richard Ng’etich, were rushed to Bomet Health Centre by bodaboda riders on Sunday morning with one in a coma having  swellings on his mouth […]

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