Man charged for attempting to rape grandmother

A  middle aged man was arraigned before a Kiambu Court on Tuesday, charged with attempting to rape his grandmother in Banana Township, a fortnight ago. Michael  Karanja Wairimu appeared before Kiambu Senior Principal Magistrate (SPM), Stella  Atambo charged that on 10th October 2019, he intentionally and unlawfully attempted to sexually assault the complainant contrary to […]

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Contractor charged with tax fraud worth shs.173 million

The  Director of  Hanamal Constructions Limited, Hassan Ahmednur Baricha  was on Monday charged with tax fraud amounting to Sh. 173 million. Ahmednur  was arraigned before the Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate (SPM), Peter Ooko with five counts of falsifying statements to lower the tax liability payable to the Commissioner for Domestic Taxes as required by the […]

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Suspected poachers charged with possessing Sh.72.3 million tusks

Five  men  found in possession of 20 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 72.5 kilogrammes with street value of Sh.72.3 million were arraigned before a Kabarnet court charged with poaching on Friday. Joseph Kariuki Njoroge, Joseph Riwaren, Kurkamar Lokoriaria, Turu Lokwiakor Katikit and Amos Kamarinyang are alleged to have committed the offence on September 5, 2019 […]

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Six  charged for sabotaging Thwake Multipurpose Dam

Six  people were arraigned in a Makueni Court  and charged with sabotaging work at the Thwake Multipurpose Dam. The  accused, Cosmas Mwania, Philip Musyoka, James Mwaniki, Brian Kilango, Mark Ndolo and Alex Musyoki appeared before the Senior Principal Magistrate (SPM), James  Mwaniki  on Thursday. The  court heard that on July 31, 2019 the accused persons […]

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