Mother appeals for Sh.250,000 to enable her son correct urine incontinence

A  mother  of  two from Garissa town is appealing for to help her raise Sh.250,000 to enable her son suffering from urine incontinence undergo a corrective surgery. Addressing  the press on Tuesday at Kazuku Primary School where she sought refuge after being displaced by floods Gladys Mueni 37, said doctors at AIC Kijabe Hospital require […]

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Well-wishers give a vulnerable Murang’a family decent shelter

Efforts by well-wishers and members of the public have helped in construction of a permanent house for a Murang’a family with four mentally challenged children. The family of Sinporian Kang’ethe from Muchungucha village has been living in abject poverty with four of their children who were born mentally handicapped. In a family of six, four […]

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