Contractors warned

Residents of Nyumba Kumi destroying a hideout for suspected criminals at Kaptembwo Estate in Nakuru

Contractors who fleece government of millions of shillings through shoddy NG CDF projects in Mbeere South constituency will be forced to redo them at their own expense and thereafter be blacklisted.
Mbeere South Member of Parliament Geoffrey King’ang’i has warned contractors that they will only be paid for their work only if they adhere to the specifications in the Bills of Quantities (BQs).
While on a tour to officially open NGCDF funded projects in the constituency, King’ang’i said contractors must give the public value for money and not misappropriate public resources.
“The contractors must stick to the official drawings as indicated in the contractual paper work and come-up with a standard work,” noted King’ang’i.
The MP further noted that some of the projects undertaken in the past years are shoddy adding that during his tenure he expects contractors to carry out their work professionally.
Kingangi who opened classes and toilets for various schools expressed surprise that some classrooms’ walls and floors constructed in the 2015/2016 financial year, were already worn out due to shoddy work.
“CDF is a government initiative intended to empower people economically at the grassroots level and it should not be abused at all,” he observed.
Over 30 schools in Mbeere south constituency had classrooms, toilets and fenced projects done to a tune of Sh. 50 million.
The legislator said poor and shoddy work done on some classrooms in some schools will be redone to the required standard.
King’ang’i reiterated his commitment to support training institutions through equipping the schools and establishing good infrastructure.
Gatete primary school in Kiambere ward, Mulukusi primary in Makima ward, Machang’a primary in Mavuria ward, Makutano primary in Mwea Ward, Munyori primary in Mbeti South were among the schools that benefited with the CDF.

By Kimani Tirus

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