Four governors take BBI campaign to Kitui

Editor's Pick Kitui News Politics

Four  governors took the Building Bridges campaign to Kitui as the wider group prepares to hold a major pro-constitutional reform rally at the Coast next  weekend.

Governors  Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega), Charity Ngilu (Kitui), Prof. Kivutha Kibwana (Makueni) and Kisumu’s Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o have called on Kenyans to support the BBI, saying it will positively transform the country.

Speaking  on Sunday at Kitui Stadium during the consecration and enthronement of Venerable Gedion Meneni Nzoka as the third Bishop of Kitui ACK Diocese, the Governors said BBI provides answers for a myriad of problems ailing the nation like poverty, corruption and inequitable distribution of national resources.

The BBI was set up in the wake of the March 2018 rapprochement between President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga following the turbulent 2017-2018 election period.

“We must all support the handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Premier Raila Odinga which gave birth to the BBI and the healing of a divided nation,” appealed Ngilu.

Prof. Nyong’o said though the BBI was shrouded in uncertainties, there was need for all Kenyans and their leaders to support it as the true path to democracy, love and unity for Kenya.

Governor Oparanya said BBI had put to rest politics of animosity between the ruling Jubilee regime and the opposition which had gravely divided the nation into warring political factions.

Prof. Kibwana called on the church to support the BBI saying the church is better positioned to rally Kenyans and the political class towards national healing.

The  Wiper leader, Kalonzo Musyoka over  the weekend announced a major rally to campaign for BBI in Wote town in Makueni County early next month and invited the three governors, but said they were free to mobilize their own gatherings to campaign for the report.

“The purpose of BBI is to unite Kenyans, but woe unto you if you are celebrating your tribe,” said Kalonzo.

By  Yobesh  Onwong’a

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