Love gone sour

Counties Editor's Pick Nakuru News

Residents of Bulbul village, Marioshoni ward in Molo sub county have been left in shock after a notorious chang’aa brewer allegedly murdered her estranged lover early on Sunday.

According to eyewitnesses, the duo said to be in their late 40s had a disagreement before the woman identified as Caroline Chepkemoi stabbed the late John Kiprono with a knife on his head and chest.

Kiprono then left for his village in Mawe Mbili area but was immediately rushed to Kapsinet dispensary for treatment since the injuries inflicted on him were serious.

Area sub-county police commander, Joseph Karanja confirming the incident said Kiprono later succumbed to the injuries, while undergoing treatment at the health facility.

His body was moved to Elburgon sub-county mortuary awaiting postmortem, while police have launched a manhunt for the assailant who is still at large.
Following the incident, irate residents took the law into their own hands and torched the suspect’s two houses, reducing them into ashes.

They described Chepkemoi as notorious brewer who has destroyed the lives of many in the area, while asking her to relocate since they were not ready to see more deaths as a result of her illicit brews.

However, the sub county police commander urged residents not to take the law into their own hands, but instead forward their grievances to the relevant authorities for for appropriate action.

Karanja further said investigations into the matter have commenced.

By  Emily  Kadzo

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