Residents urged to relocate

Editor's Pick Elgeyo Marakwet Environment News Security

Approximately  2,500 residents of Elgeyo Marakwet are living with relatives after they were displaced by landslides following heavy rains currently pounding the area.

The  County Commissioner (CC), Dr. Ahmed Omar has called on others residing in areas prone to mudslides especially in the hanging valley to temporarily relocate to their relatives in the highlands until the current rains subside.

Speaking  when he received food donation from the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Elgeyo Marakwet branch in his office, the CC said currently, they were discouraging residents from staying in camps to prevent over-crowding due to the corona virus.

The CC said they had taken the names of all those who have been affected by the rains and in case of any assistance, they would all be contacted and therefore there was no need to stay in the camps.

In line with this, the Keiyo North Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Julius Maiyo has called on the 39 families currently camping at the Kibiegor primary school to move to their relatives and directed the area chief to ensure the directive is implemented immediately.

The families moved to the school last week after their homes and farms were swept away by a landslide which affected Kapchelal location but luckily no one was injured.

The residents are calling for assistance saying they lost everything and with the current heavy rains, they feared they may contract other diseases like malaria and flu due to the biting cold.

“We have nothing as we ran for dear life leaving all our belongings in our houses which were swept away. We have young children and the elderly who are at risk of contracting diseases in this weather,” said one Josephine Kiptanui.

Another victim Philemon Kiyeng said they feared for their life after the rains subside as their farms had been swept away with all the crops they had planted and were now facing a bleak future.

Dr. Omar said the donation by Kessha would be taken to Sambalat command centre for the victims of last month landslide in Embobut and called for more donations to be distributed to all displaced families.

The Former Emsoo ward MCA, Christopher Cheboiboch called on all families residing in the Kerio escarpment to plant trees to prevent the landslides which occurred each time it rained.

By  Alice  Wanjiru

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