Cattle rustlers kill one person in Kerio valley

One person was yesterday morning shot dead and three others injured after cattle rustlers raided Kabetwa village, Endo ward in Marakwet East Sub County. The incident that came barely a week after Internal Security Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiang’i toured the area has heightened tension in the already volatile region with residents fearing revenge attacks. […]

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 Two people killed in a foiled livestock raid in Marsabit 

Two people were killed when an unknown number of armed cattle rustlers staged an attack in Forole location, North Horr Constituency in Marsabit County. The 10am raid at Qubi Ella area that was foiled by security personnel also left one male herder with serious gunshot injuries on the chest. Marsabit county police commander Martin Kibet […]

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Security officers told to be ruthless to cattle rustlers

The  Isiolo County Commissioner (CC), Joseph Kanyiri has called on security officers to be ruthless while dealing with cattle rustlers who he said had been impoverishing some families. Kanyiri  also cautioned that anyone found keeping stolen animals would be charged with handling of stolen property or robbery with violence depending on the manner in which […]

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