Civil servants urged to seek mental health advice

Civil servants working in Lugari, Matete and Likuyani Sub-Counties have been advised to pay close attention to their mental health as part of their body well-being. Speaking during the opening of National Hospital Insurance Fund Civil Servants sensitization meeting at CDF Hall in Lugari, Area Assistant County Commissioner (ACC), Nancy Kiptoo, said civil servants under […]

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civil servants urged Serve all residents fairly

The incoming Murang’a County Commissioner Fredrick Ndunga has challenged civil servants working in the county to serve local residents fairly. Speaking during the handover ceremony, Ndunga observed that civil servants are employed using taxpayers’ money thus the need to serve each and every one fairly. He called upon each and every government employee to perform […]

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National Government ups the game with construction of 45 million shillings Kiambu County Headquarters

Civil  Servants working in Kiambu under the National Government will now start working from a magnificent Sh.45 million worth County Headquarters after many years of working in small dingy rented offices following the opening of the headquarters last Friday The officers have now been allocated offices at the building dubbed Kiambu County Commissioner’s Complex that […]

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Civil Servants urged to discharge their duties diligently

Civil  Servants in Homa Bay County  have been challenged to discharge their duties diligently to the members of the public for the achievement of the Big  four agenda. Speaking on Tuesday at Dicese hall in Homa Bay town while chairing County Service Delivery Committee meeting, the area County Commissioner (CC), Harman  Shambi called upon the […]

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Civil Servants warned against holding ‘Kangaroo courts’ at their offices

The  Machakos County Commissioner (CC), Esther  Maina has warned members of the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) in the County against hearing criminal cases in their offices. She  warned that her office will take disciplinary action against any officer found purporting to arbitrate criminal cases, saying such individuals have proved to be a stumbling block […]

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