NTSA issues digital driving license in Mandera

The National Transport and Safety Authority is conducting a five days’ exercise in Mandera which aims at issuing all qualified motorist with licenses in Mandera County. Speaking during the exercise at Huduma Centre in Mandera East Sub County, Mandera County NTSA official Diana Mutheu said the Authority opted to offer the digital platform after realizing the raising […]

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Government nullifies compliance certificates

The  government has declared null and void compliance certificates for over 40 matatu SACCOS in Trans Nzoia following  circulation of fake covid-19 compliance certificates among Sacco members in the region. The  County Implementation Committee on Covid-19 headed  by the Trans Nzoia County Commissioner (CC), Samson Ojwang observed that police have already initiated  investigations into the […]

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Police in Murang’a nab PSVs flouting health guidelines

Transport  on many roads within Murang’a County was paralyzed on Monday after police descended on Public Service Vehicles (PSV) flouting Ministry of Health covid-19 guidelines. Some vehicles were intercepted and nabbed after they were found operating without the required certification by the Ministry of Health. Passengers in some routes were left stranded as police moved […]

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Youth refuse blood group test fearing it’s HIV test offered in disguise

At  least  200 youth sponsored by the Msambweni constituency development fund for driving programmes have abandoned driving schools for fear of being subjected to blood tests. The  youth from across all the wards of the constituency ostensibly abandoned driving courses after they learnt they will have to undergo a blood test before they acquired their […]

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