Kirinyaga legislators and the Church say Waiguru’s impeachment be handled by the Senate plenary

The  Kirinyaga Senator, Charles Kibiru says he will be seeking to have the House Standing Orders amended to make future impeachments against governors always be heard and determined by the whole House. Kibiru said the current standing orders were denying voters their democracy whenever a Senate select committee was to solely determine the impeachment process, […]

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Kirinyaga leaders urged to stop wrangling, address Covid -19 first

The  Kirinyaga County women representative, Wangui Ngirichi has told leaders to stop wasting their energies to settle political scores, but instead spend such resources in the fight against the spread of the corona virus. Ngirichi said it was a pity that some leaders in Kirinyaga County could even afford to spend money in organizing supremacy […]

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Needy students benefits from Sh.1.2 million sponsorship

The  Kirinyaga Woman Representative, Wangui Ngirichi has told Opposition Leader Raila Odinga to forget the presidency come the 2022 general election and asked  Odinga to quit politics after many failed attempts to capture power. Ngirichi  vowed that the Mt. Kenya region would never allow him to ascend to power and will only vote for a […]

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NGAAF donates Sh.16 million, commissions rental houses, distributes wheelchairs and food to needy residents

The  Turkana  women  representative, Joyce  Emanikor  through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF)  on  Friday donated Sh.16.7 million to support various groups in the county. The funds will benefit 20 groups in the county with the greatest beneficiary receiving Sh.5 million and the lowest Sh.200, 000. NGAAF  which  falls under the office of the […]

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Convene a meeting to address rice farmer’s plight

Following concerns by the Mwea rice farmers over the importation of cheap rice into the area, Kirinyaga Women Representative, Wangui Ngirichi has urged the county leadership to convene an urgent meeting to address the matter. Wangui said since the farmers were against importation of the cheap rice, it was important that their cries be heard […]

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