Athlete charged for defiling minor

Counties Courts Editor's Pick Nandi

Olympic and World 3000m steeplechase champion Conseslus Kipruto was this morning charged with defilement at a Kapsabet Court.
The athlete who appeared before Principal Magistrate David Ocharo was charged with two counts of defilement and indecent act on the minor.
Kipruto was charged that on 20th October 2020 and 21st October 2020 at Tironin Village, Mutwot Location, Chesumei Sub County within Nandi County intentionally and unlawfully committed the act to a minor aged 15 years.
The accused denied the charges and was released on a Sh. 200,000 cash bail with a surety of a similar amount.
Last month the minor’s parents filed a report at the Mosoriot Police post claiming that Kipruto had eloped with the girl.
The prosecution told the court that the athlete has been on the run since then.
The arrest attracted a crowd outside the Kapsabet Law Courts who were shouting and demanding justice for the victim.
The Magistrate set the hearing for 10th May 2021.

By Bethseba Abuya.

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