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Nyandarua residents’ optimistic of Badilisha’s administration

Residents of Nyandarua County are eagerly waiting for the inauguration of their newly elected Governor Moses Kiarie Badilisha.

The swearing in ceremony will take place Thursday August 25, 2022 at the Arboretum grounds in Olkalou town.

Chairperson to the Assumption of the Office of County Governor Committee, Mungai Wainaina, announced in local dailies, that Dr Badilisha’s inauguration ceremony will go hand in hand with that of his deputy John Mathara Mwangi.

Dr Badilisha comes in with a full in-tray of promises, with the residents hoping that the change will see the county grow the infrastructure base to enable them benefit from diversity in access roads.

The residents also urged the incoming governor to focus on developing the county and deliver on projects as captured in the annual development plans.

“Badilisha is coming in with promises for the people of Nyandarua but we also had our wish list captured in the annual plans that are drawn from five- year the County Integrated Development Plan. We therefore expect his administration to fulfill those too,” said Josam Mukiri a resident of Ol Kalou town.

Louisa Njeri was hopeful that the new regime will not interfere with the independence of the Assembly in its oversight role.

“All we expect from the new team is service delivery, nothing less,” she said.

Netizens took to social media to wish the governor-elect well, with Serah Kariuki saying “I hope this guy actually ‘badilishas’ our county. We are the last county in Mt. Kenya on matters development.”

It is also a wait and see situation for the team that the governor will nominate as members of his executive committee, with many warming up for the speaker’s slot already.

By Anne Sabuni

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