Escapee suspect re-arrested in Kakamega

A  notorious criminal  who escaped from Langas Police Station under unclear circumstances two weeks ago has been rearrested. The  26-year old suspect  who was being held in connection with various criminal offences was arrested in Shinyalu of Kakamega County following a tip-off from members of the public. Humphrey Shilisia  who is linked to rape and […]

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Police hunting 4 suspects in connection to stolen cement at Thwake dam site

Police are looking for four suspects in connection with the stealing of more than 486 bags of cement at the Thwake multipurpose dam site at Mavindini, Kathonzweni Sub County. According to police reports, the bags were stolen last Thursday and a report made at the Kavumbu police post by Shi Yu Song, an employee at […]

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Police officers sensitised about the Covid-19 pandemic

The  National Gun Owners  Association of Kenya (NGOA) is complimenting government efforts to create awareness about Covid-19 in the country. The  association has teamed up with other entities like Mutindwa Toyota company to sensitise police officers on Covid-19 protective measures. The  NGAO Mt. Kenya region Chairman, Mustaq Issac trained 90 police officers  who included station […]

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Three suspected cattle rustlers gunned down in Laikipia

Police  in Laikipia have killed three suspected cattle rustlers whom they said were behind a spate of armed livestock theft in the region and recovered 24 heads of cattle. The Laikipia County Police Commander (CPC), Maxwel Nyaema speaking on Sunday, said that the trio were cornered in Ole naishu area as they were herding the […]

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