Woman kills and buries child

Editor's Pick News Security Trans Nzoia

Police  in  Kitale are hunting for a woman who allegedly killed and buried her child in a neighbour’s farm before disappearing.

The  Trans Nzoia County Police Commander (CPC), Ayubu Gitonga  while speaking to the press  on Tuesday said that  the 22-year old woman (name withheld) who disappeared from her Kisawai home in Saboti Sub County is being hunted by the police.

Gitonga  said that the neighbor, Ben Ndiwa alerted members of the public and the husband was able to identify his child  whose body was retrieved from a shallow grave and taken to Kitale County Referral Hospital Mortuary.

Ndiwa told the police that his wife, Milka Chesang while picking vegetables on their farm on Sunday came across freshly dug soil and became suspicious.

Milka informed the husband who alerted neigbours and on digging they came across a carton which upon opening revealed the body of a baby girl wrapped in a towel.

Their  neigbour, Ronald Korir identified the child as his and told police that they had a domestic quarrel with the wife but did not know that such a quarrel could lead her to kill their child.

The CPC asked members of the public to find amicable ways of solving their domestic problems.

By  Pauline Ikanda

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