Photo by Sebastian Miriti/KNA.
The National Gun Owners Association of Kenya (NGOA) is complimenting government efforts to create awareness about Covid-19 in the country.
The association has teamed up with other entities like Mutindwa Toyota company to sensitise police officers on Covid-19 protective measures.
The NGAO Mt. Kenya region Chairman, Mustaq Issac trained 90 police officers who included station and sub-county commanders drawn from Laisamis, Marsabit Central, Sololo, Moyale and Marsabit North sub-counties in Marsabit County on ways the officers could safeguard themselves against the virus.
Mustaq while speaking at the ACK grounds on Sunday in Marsabit town said police officers were a vulnerable group given the nature of their work, which places them in the frontline.
He said that NGOA had so far trained more than 7,000 police officers in 33 counties on preventive measures against the pandemic adding that the service needed healthy personnel to be able to execute their mandate more effectively.
Mustaq who is also the Managing Director of Mutindwa Toyota said his team would this week visit the sub-counties of North Horr and Loiyangalani to train officers serving in those remote areas.
“These remote areas of the country are not well covered in terms of telephony, electricity and media which means awareness about the coronavirus is low,” he pointed out and urged the media to relentlessly wage the campaign against the pandemic.
The team, which also trained the officers on how to disinfect offices, cells and vehicles donated facemasks, hand sanitisers, spray pumps and disinfectors to be used by the law enforcement personnel in the course of their duty.
The Marsabit County Police Commander (CPC), Samuel Mutunga reminded police officers that they were not immune to the virus and that they should exercise extreme care when handling their subjects.
Mutunga thanked the association and partners for the assistance terming the training and sensitisation carried out for security personnel from different contingents as deserving and timely.
The CPC urged wananchi to follow the guidelines issued by the government not because they feared arrest but for their own safety.
“I am appealing to members of the public to heed the call to adhere to the ministry of health containment measures because it is the responsibility of each one of us to protect ourselves against the virus,” he appealed.
Mutunga said the 90 officers who underwent the training would in turn induct their colleagues at the duty station on the same.
By Sebastian Miriti