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156,000 farmers to be trained in Makueni County

At least 156,000 farmers in Makueni County will be trained with skills under the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVDCDP) across the value chains in an effort to transform agriculture into a dynamic sector, area Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr has said.

Mutula said the farmers to be trained are those involved in key value chains like mangoes, apiculture, tomatoes, poultry and dairy with a view in increasing their participation, enhance value addition and create sustainable opportunities for entrepreneurship.

He disclosed that under the project, 30 ward based SACCOs have been formed to drive agriculture and enable them to access credit and farm inputs easily with a view of boosting farming activities in the county.

“My government will empower farmers with skills and resources across key value chains and ensure they are involved in market participation and improve agriculture,” said Mutula at Unoa Sports Ground during Jamhuri Day celebrations on Thursday.

During the celebrations, he presented a cheque of Sh 6 million to six SACCOs aimed at boosting their capacity to support farmers effectively and also create jobs especially for the unemployed youths.

“So far 13 SACCOs have qualified for inclusion grants to help improve their operations. In November I had presented Sh 9 million to nine cooperatives and today six others have benefitted, this is going to enhance the SACCOs to be able to support the farmers effectively,” he added.

Mutula said that the county was proud to host Eni Kenya at Kwa Kathoka, which is the first of its kind in the country’s Agri-hub that produces bio fuel and related products saying it has created jobs for hundreds of local residents besides improving farming activities in the area.

“The plant is also generating income for tens of thousands of farmers beyond job creation, agri-hub serves as a platform for innovation and skills development,” he posed.

On water, the Governor said that with the assistance of Partners like USAID- Sustainable Transformational, and Accessible Water Interventions (STAWI), Water Mission-Kenya, World Vision among others are working to ensure Makueni has sufficient water with at least 70 percent by 2027.

Consequently, he disclosed that they are working to bridge the 4,500 cubic meters daily water demand for Wote town by operationalising Kaiti 2 Sand dam and also install solar power at Mwaani borehole and enhance the pumping capacity of Kamunyolo dam respectively.

Mutula said that at least 10,000 residents in 10 villages, 10 schools and 7 markets and one community organisation are targeted to benefit from distribution of water from Ndukuma dam in the area.

Speaking at the event, Makueni County Commissioner (CC) Duncan Darusi warned residents against vandalising government projects especially those in the water sector in the county.

In this regard, he called on the residents to supplement government efforts in providing information in an effort to arrest the culprits and face the law accordingly to end this rampant vice.

“We have witnessed rampant vandalism, the national and county government has put up infrastructure to bring services to wananchi but there is the enemy of development who are vandalising water projects, transformers and railway. You as citizens, you must work with the government and expose those involved,” Darusi said after reading the President’s speech on Jamhuri Day celebrations.

On festivals, he also warned drivers against driving while drunk saying they risked prosecution if found and assured area residents that the government will provide security during this festival season.

Those present included Executive Committee Member (ECM) for Department of Agriculture Joyce Mutua, her counterparts for Devolution Nicolas Nzioka, Gender Eng. Sabastian Kyoni and national and county government officials.

By Patrick Nyakundi

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