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AMREF takes advantage of KECOSO Games to offer free screening

Amref Health Africa has collaborated with Narok Referral Hospital to take advantage of KECOSO Games taking place at the Ole Ntimama Stadium in Narok Town to offer free screening for non-communicable diseases to the residents.

The Community Associate at Amref Health Africa Mr. Eugene Muchai said that the program is set to look mainly at non-communicable diseases and offer free screening services to people.

Muchai said the screening program is carried out by AMREF health innovations that focus on digital health innovation and developing solutions for the community through data analysis and innovative interventions.

The Community Associate added that non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension and different types of cancers have become prevalent in the community and many people were unable to determine the prevalence.

“Our main objective today is to look at non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension and different types of cancer in the community as these diseases have become prevalent and the community is not much aware,” said Muchai.

Muchai added that the program also focuses on screening for HIV/AIDS and free COVID-19 vaccination and testing. “Besides screening for non-communicable diseases, we are also offering free HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 testing alongside free consultation on nutrition and lifestyle,” he added.

According to Muchai, the program does screening which is replicated across the country, and in case of any treatment requirements, the program refers the patient to the Narok Referral Hospital.

Muchai said KECOSO games had a high turnout and interest by the residents who gather together to witness the ongoing games.

“The residents have shown up in large numbers,” said Muchai.

A beneficiary of the program David Gachanja said that the process of screening was simple and easy and that he was very happy to have received the screening and to know his health status.

“I have come to watch the KECOSO games, little did I know I would find the screening program here in Ole Ntimama stadium, it is free of charge,” said Gachanja.

Another beneficiary, John Wainaina, said he received screening services for all the non-communicable diseases and lauded the program for taking advantage of thousands of residents watching KECOSO games.

The program is expected to run for 14 months. Narok has already benefited three times and is projected to receive the same program two times before the end of the year.

By John Kaleke and Amos Maine 

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