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Borehole project under implementation to increase water coverage in Murang’a

The County Government of Murang’a is currently drilling 11 boreholes, aimed at increasing water supply to local homesteads.

The project, which commenced early this month, is expected to be complete before June 30.

The County Director of Water Services, Isaac Gichuki, divulged that drilling of the boreholes, is at different stages of implementation.

“Currently, some boreholes are at 60 percent, others at 20 percent complete, but before the closure of the Financial Year, all the 11 boreholes will be complete and serving the residents,” said the Director.

He noted that before closure of the current Financial Year, drilling of the boreholes and putting-up some infrastructure, will be complete and residents will start accessing water.

During the current Financial Year, 11 wards are slated to get a borehole each, with Gichuki saying on average, every borehole is expected to serve at least 400 homesteads.

“The County Government is working to increase water coverage, by drilling boreholes to complement water being supplied by local water firms. Apart from drilling the boreholes, the project also involves installing a solar powered pump, a storage tank and a water kiosk, where residents will be accessing the commodity,” Gichuki told KNA, Thursday.

He added that the Second Phase which will be implemented next Financial Year, will involve redistribution of the water to homes.

The 11 wards to benefit from the boreholes include; Ithiru, Kakuzi/Mitumbiri, Kimorori/Wempa, Kangema, Kambiti and Mbiri. Others are Gaturi, Gitugi, muthithi, Makuyu and kahumbu.

Drilling each borehole and installing supportive infrastructure, said the Director, will cost the County Government, approximately Sh. 5 million.

“From next Financial Year, the County Administration will factor funds to drill more boreholes in other wards,” he added.

Water from the boreholes, Gichuki observed, will boost water coverage in the County which currently stands at 67 percent.

Apart from the boreholes, the director observed that before closure of the financial year the county government is geared to install 75 water storage tanks at selected ECDE centres.

“Currently no ECDE centre has a water tank. This programme will ensure the tanks facilitate harvesting and supply of clean and sufficient water to local ECDE centres in the county.

The 75 tanks will supply 375, 000 litres of clean water to the centres which are currently under renovation,” he said, adding the programme was currently at procurement stage.

By Bernard Munyao

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