Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Home > Counties > Butere town elevated to a Municipality

Butere town elevated to a Municipality

Butere Township has been elevated to a Municipality by Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa.

Barasa said the conferment of the Municipality charter to Butere Township was a milestone for socio-economic growth and development.

The Governor officially awarded a Municipality charter to Butere Township on Monday in accordance with Section 9 of the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 and Section 4 of the Kakamega County Urban Areas Management Act 2017.

He said the elevation of the town would be a major financial breakthrough in the area and create more opportunities for the residents.

The governor said that the elevation of the center would also bring essential services closer to the people and increase business opportunities through an annual allocation from the County government.

He added that the Municipality would also access funds from development partners to improve road networks, decent drainage systems and installing street lights in the town.

“The elevation brings numerous benefits including increased access to resources and grants in addition to a range of social advantages that will enhance the quality of life for residents,” he said.

The residents have welcomed the move of the new status and are looking forward to the best opportunities and development.

“The new status of Butere Township trading center will unravel the available economic prosperities and development,” said Mercy Nekesa, a local business lady who spoke to KNA today in Marama Central ward.

The Governor, who was speaking at Symbio-city grounds in Sabatia, was accompanied by Deputy Governor Ayub Savula, Speaker James Namatsi, Majority leader Philip Maina, County Secretary Lawrence Omuhaka among other dignitaries.

By John Ochanda

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