Monday, January 20, 2025
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Call for speedy implementation of alternative justice system 

The Kabarnet court users’ committee has urged the Alternative Justice System (AJS) national implementation committee to fast track the implementation of the model as they are ready to embrace it to clear backlog of cases.

Chief Magistrate Judith Wanjala called on the national implementation committee to implement the model while urging residents to embrace it to reduce backlog of cases.

Wanjala was presiding a meeting of stakeholders from various government departments, community leaders and the Citizen Participation Forum (Cipaf) Wednesday at the Kabarnet law court chambers.

She said there were numerous pending land matters that dates from 1990s where hearing had stalled and thus urged residents to embrace AJS mechanism to sort out such cases.

Job Komen the prisons Deputy Commander lauded the AJS model noting that it was the most ideal to sort out petty cases and called for its speedy implementation.

Isaiah Biwott the executive director of Cipaf lamented that land conflicts mostly in Baringo South Sub-County were on the rise with grabbers targeting vulnerable people, especially widows and urged the courts to deal ruthlessly with grabbers to tame the vice.

Biwot however urged the magistrates to refer none complex cases to the AJS committee adding: “We have opened a social justice center in Marigat town in Baringo South sub county.”

The opening up of a court in Marigat town, Biwott said would boost their efforts to ensure residents receive timely justice.

So far the county has made great strides in AJS sensitization but more training is needed for the public to understand well how AJS works and its benefits.

By Caroline Cherono


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