The body of Police Constable, Caroline Kangogo, arrived at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret for an autopsy by Chief Government Pathologist, Dr. Johansen Oduor, ahead of her burial in Elgeyo Marakwet County.

The burial was scheduled for last Saturday but the autopsy had not been conducted and hence the family could not push through with the plan.
“Caroline died as a result of a single gunshot wound which entered her body through the right chin exiting the left side of the head. The trajectory going through the spine via the brain,” said Oduor.
He confirmed that the gunshot wound means it was a contact entry, meaning that the gun was on the skin thus rupturing the skin.
“There was residue of soot and burns and this is what we call muscle imprint. There are stories of whether she was shot or committed suicide, this will be established once other investigations we are doing are completed. Oduor said they have taken swabs on her finger prints to ascertain if there were gunshot residues.
“As we await other reports, I have confirmed the main cause of her death was as a result of a single gunshot wound on the head,” he said.
On enquiry to whether it was the same Caroline Kangogo, he informed it is indeed her as some of her relatives identified her to clear the ongoing speculations that it is a different person.
He indicated he was not at the scene but from Investigative Officers it was reported to him that she died on the same scene meaning there was no body movement from elsewhere.
“The work of a pathologist is to establish cause of death, manner of death we confirm through many parameters which will be shared after the conclusion of the ongoing investigations,” he added.
According to him, there are three manner of death which are confirmed from lab reports. They include; suicide, accident and natural, for Caroline’s case it will be informed correctly through the lab results which is ongoing. Apart from the gunshot injury, Dr. Oduor confirmed the body had no other injuries.
By Hassan Adan Ali