The Friends Church has declared support for Agricultural Biotechnology and cautioned politicians to stop propagating falsehood about issues pertaining to Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) technology.
Speaking at the Friend Church Kayole parish, the church’s Deputy General Superintendent for Nairobi Diocese Nathan Lihanda expressed fears that most Kenyans were misled to believe that GMOs were harmful before they knew about the facts.
He said the truth had finally come out and the concept was a game changer in the agriculture sector and should be embraced by scientists and policy makers if the country was to attain food security in the wake of climate change phenomena.
Initially, he explained the masses were skeptic and ignorant before the GMO debate was explained but now that the experts have come out to clear the misinformation, it is clear that the concept was safe and tailored to improve food production.
‘Personally I understood GMO to be bad food that brings about many diseases and therefore should not be eaten”, he said
Lihanda said there was need to give the GMO debate a new perspective and since it is a science driven process, the scientists will require to carry out a lot of civic education for people to understand the processes and the ideas that have come through research.
“ Let the researchers themselves come out , lead the process and explain to Kenyans exactly what the research about these foods is all about, what are the chances of it being safe because the major fear of Kenyans is the safety of the food”, he reiterated
Lihanda however cautioned politicians not to trivialize the GMO debate saying the public had lost faith in them, but instead support the scientists through various foras like churches by speaking the truth.
He said the church was ready and willing to be used as a vessel to educate the masses about the merit of biotechnological research in addressing food security.
The safety of this type of food should be guaranteed by a properly genuine process. The
It is a high time, Lihanda said that a solution for food situation in the country was resolved adding that “if there is an idea that can fill the country’s food baskets it should be embraced. We want stability in the country”.
Lihanda further called on the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) that regulates matters food to join the scientists and through churches that have networks, platforms and congregations to educate the public on the importance of the GMO products.
” The church is capable of selling the message as long as it is the right message and one that would help the citizens of Kenya”, he said.

Dr. Joel Ochieng-, Programme Leader, Agricultural Biotechnology, University of Nairobi and Secretary General, Kenya University Biotechnology Consortium( KUBICO) said that currently they are going around the country sensitizing communities , farmers and consumers on the regulatory systems being put in place to ensure the safety and benefit of some of the crops that have been modified.
The key one that is meant for Kenya, and ready for cultivation, he added is the BT maize which has been modified to withstand the crop pest, the stem borer and the fall armyworm.
“ What we are telling Kenyans is that we have adequate regulatory systems in place and they should not fear because the purpose of the modification was to improve harvests and production and is being done within a very clear law and regulatory systems”, Dr. Ochieng said
Looking at the food security situation in Kenya, Dr Ochieng urged people to be careful not to oppose things just for the sake but get their facts right adding it purely about food production that is meant to feed Kenyans and make each of us be food sufficient
Collins Kikame, a member parishioner at the Friends Church Kayole said that currently there is a lot of hunger in the country and if the GMO products will address matters food for wanananchi, the it is time that experts come out and talk about it candidly.
“So that that we can be able to feed our nation and be able to feed all our siblings that are outside here (we need to give production of better food a chance. I believe GMO is something that can improve our lives”, he said
Kikame said that now that he has become aware and knows what GM technology is all about, he is ready and if given the opportunity can start consuming the maize immediately considering that the technology means bringing food to our tables..
The Quaker/ friends church with one of the largest following in the world and in Kenya the religion has a long history beginning with the establishment of the Friends African Industrial Mission in 1902
Kenya’s farmers and government are now free to cultivate and import Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) after the High Court dismissed consolidated petitions challenging a Cabinet order to lift a 10-year ban on GM crops and foods in the East African Country
The approval and cultivation of GMOs in Africa has been slow with only a few countries having allowed their commercialization.
South Africa has been a leader in adoption of GMO crops in Africa and has had experience spanning over a decade. The number of countries in Africa where GM crops are cultivated has grown from three in 2016 to 10 by 2022. These 10 countries have commercialized different types of GMO crops.
By Wangari Ndirangu