Sunday, February 9, 2025
Home > Counties > County boss decries increasing cases of suicides

County boss decries increasing cases of suicides

Nyeri County Commissioner  Lyford Kibaara has decried the increasing cases of people committing suicide in the area.

            Kibaara noted that hardly a week passes without a report of a person taking away his own life from the region.

“This has worried even the security agencies and we had contemplated conducting research to understand the trend,” Kibaara said.

The Commissioner was speaking today in Nyeri town during the 7th annual county prayer breakfast organized by the Nyeri Ecumenical Bishops Council.

            Kibaara said other social vices in the area include defilement, incest and drug abuse particularly bhang among the youth.

            The county boss urged religious leaders to pray for the society to minimise the vices adding that as a government, they will play their role of arresting the perpetrators and following the court process.

            He at the same time disclosed that bhang originates from a neighbouring country and asked parents and members of the public to report suspects to police adding that law enforcement agencies cannot police every home.

“We cannot be at every home every day but report those hawking bhang to save our children,” Kibaara added.

by Mwangi Gaitha

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