Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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County enters development partnership with Israel Government

The County Government of Trans Nzoia has entered a development partnership with the Israeli Government which will help improve major sectors.

Striking the deal on behalf of the two governments was Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya and Israel Ambassador to Kenya Micheal Lotem who revealed the partnership will prioritize water and health sectors.

Governor Natembeya welcomed the partnership saying it has come at the right time and will go a long way to uplift the living standards of Trans Nzoia residents because health and water services will be transformed.

“We will go an extra mile to ensure that our people get the best services and this is why we are working with like-minded people and organizations to achieve our goal of improving livelihoods,” he said.

Ambassador Lotem praised the county government of Trans Nzoia for taking the lead role in transforming lives of the people.

After holding talks, the two leaders presided over the launch of two new CT Scan machines at Wamalwa Kijana Teaching Referral Hospital donated by an Israel based Health Solutions provider, ELSMED.

Lotem said the CT Scan machine gives the Hospital the much needed capacity to offer better services provided in other high level health facilities.

During the exercise, a new maternity wing was opened and modern delivery beds worth Sh50 million were donated by US AID Ampath.

Governor Natembeya said this will go a long way to mitigate maternal and child mortality and will help provide the best delivery services in the region.

By Isaiah Nayika

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