Monday, February 17, 2025
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County rolls out climate-change action plan

Kisumu County has rolled out an integrated climate-change action plan to mitigate the adverse effects of the phenomenon.

The plan, a first of its kind to be launched by a devolved unit targets to achieve low carbon emissions in the area.

Kisumu County Director of Climate Change Evans Gichana said through the plan, climate resilient mechanisms have been developed focusing on adaptation, mitigation and access to clean energy by vulnerable groups among them children, women, the youth, Persons Living With Disabilities (PLWDs), the elderly and the marginalized.

Speaking to KNA in his office, Gichana said a vulnerability assessment and baseline survey was conducted to establish the most affected areas in terms of the greenhouse gas effects before the document was developed.

He said the plan focuses on climate change adaptation by championing proper land use and management with emphasis on climate smart agriculture to boost food security.

Gichana said various projects have been outlined in the action plan with the aim of reducing green gas emissions in Kisumu City and its environs.

Among the earmarked projects include boosting the forest cover which currently stands at 0.02 percent to 5 percent over the next five years.

“We are looking at how we can make sure there is access to clean energy that is renewable and affordable across all the sectors of the economy,” Gichana said.

He said a legal framework has been developed to establish village climate change planning committees which will feed into the county planning council for effective management of the phenomenon.

Gichana said Kisumu being the only county with such a plan in the region, the efforts shall cross the borders to ensure that the other devolved units put in place mechanisms to combat climate change.

By Kelsie Dorita

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