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Covid-19 response measures dominates KISDEP Quarterly Review in Turkana

Improved infrastructure for testing and management of Covid-19 cases jointly executed by Turkana County Government, UNHCR and other organizations implementing the health component of the Kalobeyei Integrated Socio-economic Development Plan (KISDEP), are the key highlights in the quarterly review meeting in the first half of year 2021.

Speaking, today, during the joint review meeting held at UNHCR Sub-Office in Kakuma, Health Chief Officer, Augustine Lokwang’, added that the gene xpert machine at Amusait and the ambulances allocated for Turkana West delivered as outcomes of KISDEP, were indicators of the productive collaboration between government, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chief Officer Lokwang’ also said that KISDEP partners, had registered good results on outbreak response, community health, referral services, ICT and data sharing, with the upgrading of operations at Amusait Hospital for paperless service provision.

Citing the provision of human resource and the continuous exercise of operationalizing additional health facilities in the areas as the County Government contribution to the partnership, Lokwang’ said that the aspirations of KISDEP were captured in the County Integrated Development Plan for sustainability.

“Despite the progress attained in respect to strengthening of data quality for informed decision making in the health sector, the joint review meeting, had helped identify gaps that KISDEP, Health Thematic Working Group, will be expected to address,” he said.

Lokwang’ also profiled other pressing health priorities requiring joint investments that include, establishment of a Satellite Blood Bank, setting up a rehabilitation facility for mental health patients, pushing for more NHIF enrollments, mainstreaming cross border health services to the ‘One Health Approach’ and resolving of Kakuma Cemetery Land issue.

The Deputy Director, Medical Services, Dr. Kevin Lomuria, requested that technical member of the thematic working group review the plan to ensure flagships, tangible and measurable outcomes, have been achieved as espoused in the Partnership and Turkana County Integrated Development Plan.

The Deputy Director, Medical Services Family Planning and Ag. Director for Preventive and Promotive Health Services, Alice Akalapatan, emphasized the need for the partners to use qualified and certified health personnel in the implementation of the Plan.

The review meeting was also an opportunity for the County Government to introduce and welcome USAID Imarisha Chief of Party, Gilbert Wangalwa and County Lead, Antony Arasio, to KISDEP Health Thematic Working Group.

The joint review was also attended by Ismail Khalid (Head, UNHCR Kakuma Sub- Office), Dr. Jesse Wambugu (UNHCR Public Health Associate and Health Component Focal Person) and Joshua Napoco (Turkana West Sub-County Administrator) among others.

By Peter Gitonga

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