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Elders to Vet Aspirants for 2022 Polls

All   those who will be aspiring for various elective positions come 2022 General Elections in Kirinyaga County will have to pass a vetting process by the local Council of Elders, it has been revealed.

The Elders claimed   most of the current crop of leaders lacked meritocracy hence the political bickering the county continues to witness.

Led by their Chairman Bishop Dr Cyrus Githaka, the elders said just like   their counterparts in Wajir and Mandera who decides who to run for what position, so it will be in the county in 2022.

Bishop Githaka said he had been mandated by the council to send a clear and early signal to all the aspirants that they will be subjected to a thorough vetting in order to get only those who have what it takes to lead.

Speaking at Riagitugu shrine near Kagio town when the council admitted the former powerful State House Comptroller Matere Keriri to their register as its Elder in Chief and first Trustee, Githaka said the move should not be seen as meant to block aspirants as it aims to give   the county the best leadership.

“I know some aspirants will not take this measure positively but time has come for us as Elders to ensure our people are led by men and women of honour,” he added.

“While there is freedom of speech and expression, I must caution those who have been insulting our beloved president to stop the habit forthwith or risk being cursed.   They should understand that he was given the position by millions of Kenyans to lead them until his term elapses after the 2022 general elections,” he warned.

Also admitted to the high hierarchy of the council was former Gichugu MP Dr Bernard Kathanga who was named the second Trustee.

Keriri on his part said how disappointed he was to see a wonderful county like Kirinyaga failing to develop due to squabbles and petty differences among elected leaders.

“I detest those who keep dividing the people of our great county along parochial lines as ‘Kamugicugu and Kamundia’ when all residents are equal regardless of the administrative boundaries,” he said.

Keriri said initiative to join the council was a sign that he stands for a united county devoid of hatred and divisive politics where everyone respects the other.

He also wondered why the local elected leaders had failed to convene consultative meetings to address issues affecting the people adding; “I feel there should be such meetings on quarterly basis or whatever period our elected leaders should want to meet and am sure through such a   forum most of the differences could be resolved.

He further took issue with some politicians who have of late formed a habit of hurling insults at the President as though they were his neighbors with a boundary dispute.

Kathanga on the other hand told off the Chief Justice David Maraga for allegedly showing disrespect to the Head of State.

“Maraga should just quit since it appears, he has no regard    for the appointing authority for publicly calling for the dissolution of parliament instead of doing it silently since he has all such channels to use but chose not to,” a fuming Kathanga said.

During the event former Mwea MP Peter Gitau, his former Ndia counterpart Peter Ngari and former CEC for land Harry Mugo were enlisted as Council patrons.


By Irungu Mwangi

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