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Expand employment of PWDs to reduce dependency, government told

The Machakos disability network has called upon the national and county governments to increase employment opportunities reserved for persons with disability as a measure of empowering them to reduce their dependency.

Chairman, Machakos Disability Network (MDN) Francis Muema made the appeal during celebrations to mark the International Day for people with Disability at the Muslim Township Primary in Machakos town where over 600 people with disability (PWD) converged to commemorate the day.

Muema affirmed they were celebrating the day by reflecting on their disability journey and taking stock of what areas require more action and inclusion in line with this year’s theme of “amplifying the leadership of disabled people for an inclusive and sustainable future.”

The disability network chair noted that according to the PWD Act 2003, all employers are obligated to allocate five percent of jobs to PWDs which will help reduce poverty and marginalisation while creating a sustainable and productive employment environment.

He disclosed that they have met with several organisations and held meetings with PWDs in the county whose findings established gaps in actualizing the law.

Muema added that another gap identified is education inclusivity, where those with disability should be allowed and given a chance to study with non-disabled fellow leaners to be able to integrate and co-exist and also learn from each other.

He said the National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) acting on matters of inclusion, has trained teachers from 38 schools in Machakos on how to handle and educate children with disabilities while including them in their programs.

He also appealed to the County and national governments to consider more inclusion of PWDs in development projects.

Muema urged the government to consider waiving the assessment fee for PWDs and ensure they access healthcare such as therapies at a better cost or free of charge since the majority of them are struggling with finances.

One of the PWDs present, 39-year-old Mohammed Abdalla, who has been on a wheelchair all his life, reiterated the importance of embracing PWD inclusion in schools which nurtured him in public speaking and boosted his confidence.

He pointed out that he learnt a lot from his peers and urged education stakeholders to try and set a platform for free education and healthcare for PWDs to be able to overcome social barriers.

By Anne Kangero and Dancun Kintet 

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