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Gender based violence condemned

The Ministry of Education and a cross section of women representatives from various Counties in the country have condemned Gender based violence saying it was retrogressive and caused discrimination against particular gender in society.

Speaking at Gesieka market in Kitutu Chache North, Kisii County, where they were hosted by Kisii Woman Rep, Doris Donya Aburi, Education CS Julius Ogamba and the women reps singled out, female genital mutilation (FGM), teenage pregnancy, early marriages and murders.

Ogamba regretted the high number of candidates sitting their exams while they are pregnant and called out the Society to protect its girls.

Vihiga women rep, Beatrice Adagala, hinted of underway plans to sponsor a bill in parliament aimed at handing life imprisonment to perpetrators of GBV.

She also petitioned the ministry of education to introduce procedures for respect for the women and girl-child in the curriculum to instill a deterrent culture of trampling on their rights.

Kiambu women rep Anne Wamuratha, claimed they were on a mission to assist President William Ruto in sensitizing men to stop GBV.

 According to Wamuratha, single mothers should be respected for the role they played in bringing up children without the support of their fathers, some who were irresponsible.

The women rep for Elgeyo Marakwet, Carolyne Ngelechei, urged the men to love the girl-child by sparing her from the retrogressive cultural rite, FGM and early marriages.

She remarked that women were capable of performing equal tasks as their men counterparts and should be considered as such.

However, nominated senator, Esther Okenyuri, challenged the men to lead from the front in the war against GBV and promotion of the girl-child’s socio-economic welfare.

Okenyuri commended parents who were committed to educating their children irrespective of gender.

The event was a precursor to the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV, which commences on 25 this month to 10th December.

 Earlier, the leaders had made a procession through Kisii town that brought business to a standstill as women MPs passionately campaigned against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), drawing cheers and curious stares from residents.

Others present included Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) Chairperson Leah Sankaire, Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka, area legislator Japheth Nyakundi, area Member of County Assembly Dennis Ombachi, NGAAF CEO Roy Sasaka, and Anti-FGM Board CEO Bernadette Jojolo among others.

By Jane Naitore

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