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Foundation donates 200 goats to widows in Kitui

Goat Foundation, a non- profit organization that gives hope to widows has donated 200 goats to 100 widows in Kitui Central to address poverty and impact the lives of the vulnerable in the society.

According to Chief Project Executive officer of Cause Companies Ann Musau, this charity work has been made possible by Financially Fit Africa which is under Cause Companies. Cause Companies is advancing Cause Capitalism where profit making companies choose a non- profit organization and partner with them with an aim of turning their agenda a reality.

“So far, we have managed to gift 450 widows each with a billy goat and nanny in different regions. 30 per cent of the goats we’ve donated have reproduced,” said Musau.

The widows who received goats in Kitui Central and the surrounding regions are the lowly favoured who are  grouped by either a church, business or a government leader and placed under a non- profit organization. The goats were also purchased from the same region.

Musau added that the focus is to empower the less fortunate in the society as well as in efforts to mitigate drought in such areas.

On his part, Chief Marketing Officer Shem Guchiri stated that they aimed at donating 20 million goats to 10 million widows by 2025.

“Our goal is to donate 20 million goats to 10 million widows by 2025 across East Africa. We teach widows the importance of the goats and we also make sure we come back after six months or a year to see if there has been any impact,” said Shem Guchiri.

Musau confirmed that the goats provide milk and manure for small scale farming such as growing sukuma wiki and tomatoes. They could also be sold when they multiply therefore improving the widows’ income.

Kitui Central Member of Parliament Benson Makali Mulu, who was present during the event urged other well-wishers and companies to chip in and help the most vulnerable in our society.

Other counties that have benefited from Goat Foundation are Kilifi, Makueni, and Machakos.

By Charles Matacho and Vonza Esther

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