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Government to spent Sh180 million on boreholes in Murang’a

The government will spend Sh. 180 million to sink boreholes in Murang’a county.
Water and Sanitation Principal Secretary Mr. Joseph Irungu said the boreholes will increase water accessibility to thousands of Murang’a residents.
Irungu said that in addition to sinking boreholes, the money will also be channeled for the construction of water pans purposely to harvest rain water for future use.
Irungu said the funds have been factored in the current fiscal year.
The PS expressed confidence that the borehole projects and water pans will be completed by mid 2019.
Speaking at his home area Kahuro, PS Irungu noted that the boreholes will be sunk in the lower parts of the county which receive minimal rains to alleviate water scarcity.
He observed that the boreholes and water pans would complement other water projects being implemented by the government.
“All water projects being implemented in the county are meant to increase connections to homesteads to more than 80 percent,” said Wairagu.
He explained that the multi million shillings projects are in line with Murang’a County Water Master Plan meant to achieve universal water accessibility in the county by 2022.
Irungu appreciated the position of the county as a source of water being used in neighbouring counties saying the government is working on different projects in the region to ensure locals access water for domestic and irrigation purposes.
“Efforts are also being made to conserve water sources in the county including planting trees in larger Aberdare forest, which is the main water catchment area in the county,” added the PS.
He noted , “the Aberdare Ranges are a source of water consumed in Murang’a and Nairobi hence the need to upscale forest conservation measures through tree planting initiatives.”
Murang’a County, he revealed, will also benefit from another Sh. 4 billion from the French government to increase water production for Kahuti and Gatamathi water and sanitation companies serving Kangema, Kiharu and Mathioya constituencies.
Elsewhere, Murang’a governor Mwangi wa Iria has vowed to soldier on and ensure water management in the county is put under his administration.
In his New Year message, Wa Iria said he will fully put into operation a new water bill which was passed by the county assembly towards the close of 2018.
The bill expected to be signed into law, the governor said, will help proper management of local water companies and provision of cheap water to local residents.
Wa Iria accused local water firms of being selective in the distribution of the commodity in the county saying once the companies come under his administration, water connections will be increased to a bigger percentage.
“I have not stopped to fight for water reforms, from this year I will continue to push and do better changes in the sector for the benefit of Murang’a people,” he added during celebrations to usher in the New Year at Ihura stadium.
In 2018, Murang’a witnessed confrontations between the county government and water firms after the governor tried to take over the management of the companies.
The differences have made residents especially those served by Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company to go without water occasionally.
By Bernard Munyao

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