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Great talent and innovation showcased in Nyanza region’s drama and film festivals

Nyanza regional drama and film festival qualifiers from primary and secondary schools have exhibited great talent and innovation during their presentations at Kebirigo boys High school in Nyamira County to qualify them to compete in the national festivals.

During the official opening ceremony of the festivals, Nyanza Regional Education Director Lawrence Karuntimi congratulated the participating schools for having made it to the regional level clearly indicating they are the best from their respective counties.

“I want to recognise the tireless efforts of directors, scrip writers and teachers who have trained the learners to showcase their prowess in talent, innovation and creativity both for entertainment and learning,” Mr Karuntimi said.

“Just like all other forms of art, drama and film have the capacity to engage, inspire, and enrich learners endearing them to exercise their imagination and creativity, nurturing their confidence and boosting their self-esteem,” the RDE commented.

He pointed out that drama is one of the critical competencies that they want to nurture in learners, especially those in the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).

“Artists of various genres who have taken their work seriously are earning handsomely and are comfortably sustaining their dependents,” he said.

“I urge the adjudicators to be objective and professional in grading the contesting teams so that the best out of the best teams qualify to compete at the national festivals which will be held in Embu next month,” Mr Karuntimi appealed.

West Mugirango Constituency MP Stephen Mogaka who was present during the launch to officially open the halls where the festivals would be conducted welcomed all participating teams, their leaders and adjudicators to Nyamira County and encouraged them to feel free staying around for the whole week for their security was guaranteed.

“Going forward, we want to improve every infrastructure in every sector, including ball games and indoor facilities, so that one day we shall qualify to host the national tournaments right here in Nyamira County,” the MP promised.

“Our children have what it takes to be star actors in Nollywood, Hollywood and other international movies and be celebrated globally. It is therefore an opportunity for this God given talents to be exploited to become the very best they can,” challenged Mogaka.

Kebirigo Boys Secondary school is hosting the secondary drama festivals while the primary festivals are hosted at Senator Kebaso Secondary School, all in West Mugirango constituency.

This year’s theme is ‘Unlocking Opportunities for Socio-Economic Transformation through Drama and Film’. 

Curtains for Nyanza regional drama and film festivals will fall on Friday where qualifying teams will proceed to Embu County for national festivals.

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